First Responders
What's In Our Hearts

I am not a perfect servant. I am a public servant doing my best against the odds.
As I develop and serve, be patient God is not finished with me yet
~ Jesse Jackson

Because You Serve Us, Let Us Serve You
We love and honor those that place their lives in danger every day to serve this great country!
If you are Police, Sworn Peace Officer, Fire, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Department Nurse, Emergency Department Physician, 911 Dispatch,
Corrections, Former or Current Military we can help!
We have several therapists that are CFRC (certified in first responder counseling)
We've Got your 6
How Life In Motion Can Help You!
A Letter from one of the owners of Life In Motion, Melissa Smith,
The owners of Life In Motion would like to personally thank you for the sacrifices you have made to keep our families safe. We understand the commitment and dedication it takes to do your job in a turbulent society. I am the wife of a retired law enforcement officer and I worked with him as a counselor in our local law enforcement agency for the past 20 years. Our friends and family serve behind a public servant badge as well. I have watched as personalities, attitudes, and compassion changed people over time. I know what it feels like to hold your breath every day as your spouse leaves your side to serve. I know and love that this is who you are.
The divorce and suicide rates for public servants continue to climb. You have given enough of yourself in the name of duty. Please do not sacrifice your family as well.
We want to help you and your family take back your lives.
We can help with trauma and PTSD.
We offer EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
We can help!
Thank You
Jason and Melissa Smith